Norwell C of E Primary School

The Innovators ( Class 3)

Welcome to Class 3, The Innovators! 

'The noblest of pleasures.....the joy of understanding'.   Leonardo Da Vinci

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Dorans. In Maths lessons, French lessons and on Fridays we are supported by Mrs Watkinson. On Wednesday afternoons, Mr Higgins teaches  singing and ukulele. Mrs Beckwith also teaches us History and Geography in an afternoon. We also have dedicated sports coaches who come in to teach a wide range of sports which the children love.  


Daily Routines

We begin our day with Morning Work activities, then complete out Maths and English tasks during the morning, including reading and handwriting. During the afternoons, we complete our Topic work, Science, RE, PE, Art, DT, MFL (French) and Computing lessons.


Federation Planners

Planners should be in school every day so we can record any reading we have done in school and use them to support our spellings. We also do our weekly spelling tests in them so you know what we achieve in them.



We expect children to be reading at home at least three times a week, recorded in their planners and signed by a parent/ carer. Children who have read 3 times are able to enter our reading raffle to win a prize. In the classroom we have a library area with a comfy sofa so children can enjoy reading!


Homework Expectations

Spelling homework is set every week on a Friday and our spelling tests are every Friday.

You can see your child’s results in their planner.

For Maths homework we use Maths Flex - this is linked to our learning in the classroom.

Using Maths Flex at home.

 Each child has a unique homepage and can log into it by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the login details.
  3. Your child’s homepage will appear.
  4. Go to “My Stuff” and click on “Maths Flex”
  5. A new tab will appear and you will see your child’s personalised Learning Pathway. These are the activities that the service is recommending your child to have a go at next.

Times tables should also be completed on 'Times Tables Rock Stars' (TTRS)



Every Tuesday we have an active Maths session in the morning and a PE lesson in the afternoon – so PE kit needs to be in school on this day.


Useful links to websites-

KS2 BBC Bitesize