Norwell C of E Primary School

The Navigators ( Class 2)

Welcome to Navigators class!

 ‘We are not afraid of storms, as we are learning to sail our ship’- Louisa May Allcott. 

The Navigators are our year 2,3 and 4 children. They are taught by Mrs Beckwith and supported by Mrs Watkinson.

Daily Routines

Children should arrive in school at 8.40am where they will be met at the gate by the member of staff on duty. Any queries parents may have can be dealt with here. We encourage parents to say goodbye to their child at this time to allow the children the opportunity to chat and play with their classmates on the playground until the whistle is blown at 8.50am. At this point, the children will circle up and be met by Mrs. Beckwith, ready to begin their learning. On arrival in the classroom, the children hang up their belongings, select their lunch option and begin the morning challenge whilst the register is taken.

Children will usually take part in collective worship, English, maths and story time before lunch at 12pm. During the afternoon sessions, the year 2 children will be taught by Miss Macredie and supported by Mrs Sullivan in the Huckleberries and year 3 and 4 will be taught other Curriculum subjects such as science, history, geography, music, computing, French, art and DT and PE.

All children in years 2,3 and 4 will be dismissed at 3.30pm to their adult on the playground. Mrs Beckwith will be available at this time for any brief questions or concerns. Please make an appointment if you wish to discuss anything which requires a longer amount of time.

Federation Planners

All children are expected to have their planner in school each day. Parents should use it to record reading at home and support children with their spellings. There may also be messages from the teacher, on occasion. Additionally, all children’s login details for recommended maths and spelling apps can be found in the planner as well as a wealth of vital school information and learning support which can be accessed both at home and school.


In the Navigators, we are committed to instilling a love of reading from day one. Reading is the key that unlocks the door to lifelong learning. We aim to develop reading for pleasure for all pupils and inspire them to become lifelong readers. The children are read aloud to everyday. This is always a quality text, which the children have voted for. This protected story time provides opportunities for children to expand their vocabulary, make sense of the world and people around them, develop social and emotional skills as well as feed their imagination. Additionally, children are given regular opportunities to read independently and socially with their peers in an inviting and comfortable space. They are encouraged to engage in book talk with both the adult in the room and their friends. This year, the children have relished the opportunity to read exciting magazines which the Friends of Norwell School have subscribed to for us.

Please continue to nurture this love of reading at home and ensure that children are both read aloud to and listened to a minimum of 3 times a week. Remember to record any reading in their planners as 3 reads in a week will earn them an entry into our class reading raffle.


 Homework Expectations (in addition to reading)

Children are set spellings each Friday and will be tested the following Friday. Spellings can be found in the children’s planners. Tests will also be completed in the planners and therefore visible to parents each week for your information. Children can use any method to practice and learn their spellings, including online using the school’s subscription to EdShed. Login details can be found in planners.

Children in KS2 should spend up to 20 minutes each week on Maths Flex. Login details can be found in the children’s planners. This online learning platform mirrors our maths learning in school and uses AI to tailor questioning to each individual child’s needs.

Children are encouraged to access Times Table Rockstars, Numbots and 1-Minute maths to support maths fluency, weekly.



All children should have their PE kits in school Monday to Friday, as although PE usually takes place on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, there may be times when this changes. PE kit should be named to allow any misplaced items to be returned easily to their owner.


Useful links to websites:

Times Table Rockstars


1 minute maths app (White Rose Maths)

Maths Flex (KS2 only)
